Can you keep it simple?

The past few weeks have been complicated – maybe it’s human nature -maybe it’s me – maybe it’s the summer heat and humidity – no matter the reason for this complication my desire for this coming week is to keep it simple.

So here’s the plan for putting complicated AWAY – It goes like this….

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  • Do you want ice cream?  Have ice cream. Don’t have everything BUT the ice cream. Don’t avoid the ice cream.  Keep it simple.  Want something and have it.  Yup, just like that.
  • Is it unnecessarily complicated?  Simplify it.  Can’t?  Walk away.  Yup – do that.  Turn around.  Go in the other direction.  Wave if you think that’s polite.
  • If you find yourself looking into the ether (which is an actual place) trying to wrap your head around something that seems VERY VERY hard I want you to really take a break and watch this YouTube video and then after you’ve busted a move and fondly remembered your youth (simpler times yo) I want you to think about what your end game is here – and look at the most direct path to that goal.  Take the direct path.  Apologize for passing Go later (you’ll have time to play Monopoly – you lucky duck).
  • Wait wait wait you say – it can’t be done.  Well.  To you I say: Make it look easy.  Do complicated with ease – be freaking Fred Astaire around your complicated life with grace and fluidity.  Fake it if you must – you know what they say.


You guys – lets keep it #simple this week.  Join Me?