Terri Trespicio
Why we love Terri:
When Terri reached out to say that she was ready to take on a website refresh we were THRILLED. Terri is a messaging genius and putting a highlight on how she works with her clients and giving her an online platform to launch new programs that will serve thousands of students and open up new revenue streams for her was incredibly rewarding!
What Terri had to say about Capra!
The mark of true professional isn’t that they do what you need them to do, but they’re five steps ahead of you. Cass and her team have been simply indispensable. I consider her a vital part of my own business efforts but also a big part of my growth. Look, anyone can have an idea. But executing it—that’s where things happen. Capra helps me make my own business ideas and goals come to life.
What we did with Terri Trespicio:
Website Design
Sales Page Design and Membership Site for Online Courses