As a business owner you have a lot of to-do’s. I know first hand what it feels like to try to manage a business, employees, a home and my personal goals. If you don’t have a handle on it you can feel overwhelmed and when you do get a handle on it you have to wonder: How the heck am I going to do all of this?
Six tips for what to do with the overwhelming to-do list
- Identify the one thing that absolutely MUST happen today and do that first. The momentum will carry you forward.
- Batch like items together. If you need to send 4 emails do them all in one block of time and then leave that task in the rear-view window of your day.
- Eliminate it. If it doesn’t actually have to get done – eliminate the item from your list.
- Delegate it. If someone else can do it – delegate it.
- Procrastinate. If it doesn’t have to be done today – schedule it out for when it does.
- MY PRO TIP: Set a time for when you’re done for the day. You can’t do it all but you can do all you can do. If you see an end in sight you’re more likely to push on during work hours to get as much done as possible.
Cass McCrory
Cass McCrory2014-07-03 09:23:002014-07-07 13:12:41How to manage your unruly to-do list
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