Tag Archive for: notes from the goat

What’s Your Happy Dance? Frostie the Goat is a Wayfinder

“more happiness and joy, love and friendships, 

kindness and compassion than many animals receive in a lifetime” 

When was the last time you found yourself, “caught in an endless, boundlessly happy frolic”? If you’re still trying to remember … it’s been too long! About a month or so ago, our Capra Team happened upon this Huff Post article from June.

A Tribute to the Late Frostie the Goat,

An Animal Who Actually Taught Us To Be Better People

At Capra (Italian for Goat), we tend to believe we’re privy to all things … goat. But it appears, Frostie the Goat alluded us. (However, we can’t say the same about a Frosty with fries… .) When a GIF of this effervescent kid appeared across our screens with the unfettered gait & gallop of the happiest creature around in spite of his handicap, we swooned.

More, we felt inspired. To reiterate the words from Edgar’s Mission, “the nonprofit farm animal sanctuary that rescued Frostie,”:

“… Frostie’s lesson to me has been this,

to seize every minute of [your] life.”

Life is tough. No matter the decisions we make–good or bad–nor the people we surround ourselves with–good or bad–life will always be tough. Of course we stave-off much difficulty when we opt for the good choices. But, even this leaves no guarantees. So start today. Start now. Find the frolic. Find the very special frolic in your life–in your day–that no one can take away. That no one can steal or touch or tarnish. And if you cannot, create. Create that frolic. If Frostie can do it, so can we all.

Thank you for being a Wayfinder, Frostie.

And thank you for helping to show us the way!

Your Wayfinders,

Capra Strategy

Social Media in 5 Steps

Take 5.
Five steps, over the next six weeks, to make real strides that change your next quarter. For the better.
Statistics reveal that Social Media Marketing (SMM) can generate ROI. The trick? Getting to know the D-List.
The D-List
1. Diversify – Are you the C-suite of your SMM? Don’t be. Go internal and enlist varying perspectives to create killer content. Here are 2 scenarios:
  • Limited Resources – no consistent stream of internal intel you can depend upon? … Take it to the streets! Conduct informal market research via your own social networks or through email. However you engage, begin with inquiry. You’ll be surprised – The answers you generate from the questions you ask will save valuable time.
  • Team Work Works – perhaps you have a smaller team of colleagues and cohorts who can help create content. Perfect. Delegate tasks. If all else fails, grab a deck of cards. That’s right – take a (calculated) chance. Ascribe 1 suit to 1 topic or 1 type of statement, and use this as a creative content guide. … Does the trick and saves time.
#Protip – Full Disclosure : let your market research subjects know you plan to use their feedback.
2. Differentiate – Know your audience and know your platform. Feel free to use 1 piece of content for multiple social media avenues. But, take time to mix-up the messages. Here’s what we mean:
  • Facebook – On Facebook, you’re family. So talk like it. Just be sure to use the we’re-in-a-nice-family-restaurant voice and not the one from Uncle Benny’s diner. You’ll feel real, and you’ll get much more real engagement because of it.
  • LinkedIn – How frequently do you log-on to LinkedIn outside of the office? …Exactly. On LinkedIn keep it business, but conversational. Pick topics you and your colleagues can relate to: the morning commute, what’s for lunch, healthcare and wellness, vacation time, working late. Lead with tie-ins like this and link your content to it.
  • Twitter – Pick a tone, any tone. On Twitter: brevity is boss.
    • Identify exactly what you want audiences to gain from the content.
    • Use proper grammar.
    • Don’t be terse.
    • Do take-up character real estate by including the following: a) #hashtag – relevant and well-researched; b) @mention – for associated parties; c) photograph. In fact, using pictures is the real way to set your tweets apart.

You might spend the most overall time crafting your tweets. But it’s worth it.

#Protip – Aim for 120 characters, max. This maximizes your RT potential.
3. Drive – Triangulate your Social Media. (Think: opposite the Bermuda Triangle.) That is, use each avenue to adeptly direct traffic to another source. Your map might look something like:
  • Twitter –> check Facebook for more!
  • LinkedIn –> Like us on Facebook … when you’re not at work, of course.
  • Facebook –> Follow us here & visit our website, too.
#Protip – Switch-it up. Maybe one day you use Facebook to promote Facebook and the next, LinkedIn. Switch-up who drives, and do so with a purpose.
4. Develop – Don’t feel like you have to master every single detail of Social Media all at once. In fact, with that sort of pressure–your SMM is likely to self-destruct. Instead, allow your strategy to develop. Here’s one gradient you might follow:
  1. Post. Pay close attention to audiences and tone.
  2. Add. To all platforms (not just Twitter), add — relevant #hashtags, @mentions, and photographs.
  3. Interact. Make sure to follow/like/comment/share (Facebook), follow/favorite/reply/RT (Twitter), link-in/like/comment/share (LinkedIn). You might even join and interact with Facebook and LinkedIn groups.
  4. Organize. Create lists on Twitter to strategically target specific conversations and audiences.
  5. Play. Stage a contest or use social media platforms to build-off of each other. On Twitter, you might ask a question. On LinkedIn, you might answer it.
#Protip – Interact Efficiently. Use the #Discover button on Twitter (not mobile) for a list of tweets picked especially for you.
5. Demand – Need some help?? Just ask. Try BufferApp to queue posts and to efficiently edit multiple platforms and accounts. Use the basic account for free, or upgrade to The Awesome Plan and get 2 assistants!
#Protip – BufferApp also has analytics and emails quality Social Media tips.
For more reading:
…Who said the D-list is a bad thing??

Your Wayfinders,

Capra Strategy

Fall is for … Naples Grape Fest!

Happy Fall to All!

Fall is the perfect time for many things.

  • Pumpkin Spiced Everything
  • Picking Up Dead Leaves
  • …Jumping into Dead Leaves
  • Cozy Sweaters
  • Being Outside …

And celebrating! At Capra Strategy, we are Wayfinders. This fall, we are here to help you find your way to celebrating. After all, that’s what fall is all about. Flavors, colors, harvest, spice, & fun. This weekend, head on down to the Finger Lakes and sample some of the region’s best at:

The Naples Grape Festival

This Saturday – Sunday, September 27th & 28th, head down to Naples, NY for festivities, fun, food, art, wine, & grape pie. Our Top 5 for a jubilant harvest??

  1. Enjoy the scenery. (And bring cash.)
  2. Wear your walking shoes.
  3. Be a local-vore.
  4. Stop by the yard sales.
  5. Get in the gift frame-of-mind.

1. Naples is only a 45 minute drive, or so, from Rochester city center. But. No matter where you drive from on your way to Naples, NY for the Naples Grape Festival … you will encounter traffic. No worries! You already know. There’s no snow (… yet …), so enjoy! Pop in your favorite music, enjoy the picturesque views, and you’ll find the perfect parking before you know it. (Just bring some cash so you can pay: $5 – no more than $10 should do.) If you plan to make a weekend of it – browse & book using the Finger Lakes Bed & Breakfast Association website.

2. It’s a festival! That means exercise, in the best of ways. You are outdoors and traipsing from tent to yard sale to tent. It’s perfect for exploring and for people  watching, but neither is fun without the right shoes. Riding boots or combat boots will do. Sneakers always work wonders. Trail sandals or any sandal with support is also a go. Goats have pretty solid hooves that can scale bare-faced mountains so, take it from us: abstain from heels.

3. Welcome to the Finger Lakes! A cornucopia of locally grown and made food. Eat the apples. Try the grape pie. Grab a cup of Finger Lakes coffee. Stop inside the wineries and check-out the wine tasting tent. Go for craft brewed beers, should you see them. Sample every single local cheese you can find … or sniff-out. Pick up the last of your summer produce. Yes to anything canned! Even the goods & wares you find are treasures. When you’re at Naples Grape Festival, you’re loco-for-local.

4. They’re everywhere, and they’re not to be ignored. Some of the best vintage jewelry has been purchased here. (I know, personally.) It’s also fun to chat with the people if you–or if they–have a moment. Great opportunity to find their favorite haunts for your next trip down. And don’t just ask about wineries! Ask about the wines. Most Finger Lakes wineries now specialize in more than 1 varietal, or are beginning to experiment with more. Find the local point of view and really begin to make The Finger Lakes your own.

5. Listen. At Capra Strategy, we’re not into premature seasons. You know … Valentine’s Day cards in November. (Hopefully we didn’t just tip-off some ideas.) But, we are ones for planning ahead and being aware. The balance between staying in-the-moment and looking ahead can be attained. We promise. Here is the opportunity to practice! Think: who do you know who loves wine? Who do you know who loves regional and local goods? Keep these people in mind as you walk the streets of Naples, NY this weekend. Worse case scenario?? You buy a well-intended bottle of wine for your very dear friend and … yikes, you drink it ahead of time. Or, try this! You come across an incredible artisan, but you just aren’t sure. Grab his or her card, and keep the gift in mind! At least now that you’ve thought ahead, and you have the name close at-hand.

Most important thing to keep in  mind this fall??

Celebrate & Celebrate S’More

Harvest the fruits of your fun and … let us know what you do this weekend! Hopefully, it has to do with grapes & pie.

Thanks for helping to show us the way!

Your Wayfinders,

Capra Strategy

Bed & Breakfasts: 7 Networking Tips to Check Off Your Lists

“Owning a B&B is a people business…”

At Capra Strategy, we don’t need to tell you that! B&B owners who we know live in-house. They are hosts and chefs and concierges. They know exactly when to help and when to take-leave for the night. Thing about the B&B biz? People outside these inn-doors count, too.

  • Business owners.
  • To-be B&B guests.
  • Even other B&B owners!

This article from The B&B Coach highlights 7 tips you may or may not already use. … At Capra, we don’t “play favorites.” But we can say we are quite fond of #1:

“Take full advantage of memberships in local organizations such as Chamber of Commerce and tourist associations.”

In our neck-of-the-woods, this is the: Finger Lakes Bed & Breakfast Association. For all the tricks and tips, updates and to-dos on the best #FingerLakesLife … Like FLBBA on FacebookAnd let us know what you think:

  • Who would you like us to spread the word to?
  • What are your favorite ways to network?
  • When are the best times of day, week, month, season, and year to network?
  • Where would you like to expand?
  • Why is it important to know your communities?
  • How do these tips work for you?

Thanks for helping to show us the way!

Your Wayfinders,

Capra Strategy