Entries by Cass McCrory

Do you love your homepage?

Things we accept as truths: First impressions matter Ease is important What you see is what you get. Now I want you to go to your homepage – doesn’t matter if you’re a photographer, a consultancy, if you’re a restaurant, if you’re a blogger or a retail shop. [ordered_list style=”decimal”] What does your homepage say […]

Watch Your Tone

The Wall Street Journal recently published an article describing how the tone and sound of a person’s voice can affect peoples’ opinion of that person in a variety of different ways. The scary part of this pre-judgement is that speakers usually have no idea how others feel because it is so difficult to hear your […]

Do you think you need an App?

At least once a week someone tells me that building an app is on their list of things to do in 2013. I love it because my passion for mobile is notable.  The thing is I also cringe because: PLEASE do not do this. Why?  Apps are expensive, they are limiting (build an app for […]

5 Businesses that MUST have a Mobile Site

So this happened the other day: I’m at a local coffee shop – a business associate introduces me to another business associate. That associate upon hearing what my specialty is says “We barely even have a website – why do we have to be on peoples phones?” To which I asked him to look around. […]