Cass McCrory
I get things done. I’m passionate about helping our clients achieve their objectives through strategic marketing and technology. I have extensive experience in traditional, online and mobile marketing, project management and development.
I love big ideas, lists, planning and solving problems. I’m a small town girl with a love of big cities, I’m a Wife and Mom and nurturer at heart – you will be left feeling very taken care of; I love photography, anything from Apple, the idea of gardening and I’m abundantly curious about people & life – you will find me wondering something nearly all the time and it’s usually something pretty cool. I live in Rochester with my amazing husband George, our kids Lexi & Braeden and our two dogs Holly and Annie.
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Kim Holmes
Kim built her first web page in 1999 and she is a little embarrassed to say it used frames. In the years since, she has learned a lot about content management systems and the art behind good web design. Kim has been building online content in various forms for over a decade and has learned the value of quality over quantity when it comes to web publishing.
What Cass says about Kim: She finds the code behind web sites fascinating and loves digging in to build and to troubleshoot. She is well aware of the nerd level she achieves in that enjoyment. In her free time, Kim runs over the mountains of North Alabama and helps lead new runners to find joy in the same healthy past-time. Kim lives in Alabama
Sandy Squires
Sandy is the kind of lady that walks into a kitchen and knows where everything is supposed to go. But we don’t have her organizing kitchens (note: business idea) we have her keeping tabs on all the details. She keeps things moving on time, keeps Cass in a level of sanity that we can all tolerate almost all of the time and she’s becoming a WordPress dynamo.
After 20+ years in the insurance industry we lured Sandy with home offices and flexible hours for grand-kids. We scored big on this one. Sandy lives in Prattsburgh, NY.
What Cass says about Sandy: You know that feeling when you are sure you failed to pay the insurance bill at 1:55am? I don’t feel that way anymore because of this person right here. Crossing t’s and dotting i’s. I am the luckiest.