- There will be really hard days. You will spend a lot of time wondering “is this even worth it” and “does what I do even really matter…like really?!!?!” and at the end of each of these thoughts you’ll land on a simple answer that will allow you to exhale, pick up the work, carry it evenly on your back and get it done. That answer is: Yes.
- You will work harder than you’ve ever worked.You’ll go between praying that it’s worth it and knowing that it’s worth it.
- As you get closer to doing work that you love in an authentic and true way your nose will sniff out the phoney baloney’s faster than ever. Trust that sniff test or your gut or whatever you call it and do not engage with it.
- When you’re doing what you love it’s still work. It is. And the thing that’s tricky about work that you love is that it has real boundary issues. Now, I am not one to tell you that you need to work a 4 hour work week, because frankly:I don’t think a 4 hour work week is possible for all of us that are out here building out our dreams.Work that you love can be consuming and before you know it you forget about other things you love…so, check yourself before you wreck yourself. Yup, I said that.
- Work that you love is sometimes like the little boy that cried wolf. Everything is screaming at you “Re-do your website”, “Be active on all the social sites, yes even Google+”, “do this class, read that book, listen to this podcast”. It can be overwhelming. The thing that I’ve learned in doing my own thing for nearly a decade is this: Decide what’s important and make that the priority and let these urgent screams of your inner little wolf crier fade into your spotify playlist. What’s important: Deliver the best X you can, track it, manage the dollars and cents of it all, enjoy the summits as you reach them.
Cass McCrory
Cass McCrory2013-11-12 23:04:212013-11-20 14:48:205 Truths About Doing What You Love
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