Can you keep it simple?

The past few weeks have been complicated – maybe it’s human nature -maybe it’s me – maybe it’s the summer heat and humidity – no matter the reason for this complication my desire for this coming week is to keep it simple.

So here’s the plan for putting complicated AWAY – It goes like this….

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  • Do you want ice cream?  Have ice cream. Don’t have everything BUT the ice cream. Don’t avoid the ice cream.  Keep it simple.  Want something and have it.  Yup, just like that.
  • Is it unnecessarily complicated?  Simplify it.  Can’t?  Walk away.  Yup – do that.  Turn around.  Go in the other direction.  Wave if you think that’s polite.
  • If you find yourself looking into the ether (which is an actual place) trying to wrap your head around something that seems VERY VERY hard I want you to really take a break and watch this YouTube video and then after you’ve busted a move and fondly remembered your youth (simpler times yo) I want you to think about what your end game is here – and look at the most direct path to that goal.  Take the direct path.  Apologize for passing Go later (you’ll have time to play Monopoly – you lucky duck).
  • Wait wait wait you say – it can’t be done.  Well.  To you I say: Make it look easy.  Do complicated with ease – be freaking Fred Astaire around your complicated life with grace and fluidity.  Fake it if you must – you know what they say.


You guys – lets keep it #simple this week.  Join Me?




The Secret that could change EVERYTHING.

In the past week I’ve recommend Danielle Laporte’s The Desire Map to about five people – I had read it and done the work the moment I got my hands on this book many months ago but as I was recommending it to Heather & Jess and others I decided that enough has changed (read: Every single thing has changed in the last six months with the exception of Lexi, our house and the pets.) to warrant some re-do on my end.  You can’t ever get close enough to figuring out how you want to feel and what gets you there.  

One of the questions that Danielle requests that you ask is:

What I know to be true….

And as I’m reading my response I realized that maybe this one answer is why I float – why things have evolved so amazingly in the last six months – maybe this is the secret that I get to share with the world.  Although, it’s not much of a secret.

Here’s what I know to be true…. It’s never really over, I’ll figure it out. Because I can.  And until I do – I won’t stop. I might rest. I might pause. But I won’t stop. Not ever.

And.  I bet the same is true for you.

Things won’t always work. A lot of times they won’t. And you’ll be okay. At no one point are you going to be forced to just accept failure, roll over and die (thank God for Independence, Safety, Equality and for all the people that have fought for those AMAZING gifts). No one (not even the person in the mirror) can keep you down. So if this doesn’t work – you’ll pick up – move on and go after the next thing. Because you can. Because you are uniquely equipped to do so.

So your current state is temporary – be present with it – work to get closer to how you want to feel and recognize that you’ll figure it out. Because, you will. One way or another – you will. Because you’re just plain not capable of rolling over, throwing in the towel and giving up…not for very long anyway.  And it’s never really over.

**Photo credit goes to the amazing Erin Oveis Brant

It’s in the details

I’m always inspired by old buildings like this one from Old Mission Santa Barbara. It’s an amazing spot for a number of reasons but one detail especially caught my eye.  There is a flower accent that appears about twenty feet off the ground, and I love it, but probably not for the reasons you’d expect.

I imagine these craftsmen working for the Franciscans laying brick after brick and reaching this point in their construction.  They’ve been working long and hard and are proud of their progress. Now they have two options:

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  • They could decide that they’re nearly there; that they should power through and just get the job done.
  • Or they could do something greater. They could decide that they’ve put so much of themselves into this – that they should make this really special.


And that’s what they did. They decided to use these amazing succulents as inspiration and embedded them in custom carved stone. They took that rare chance to really make their mark.

The thing about these craftsmen is that they KNEW this was their life’s work.  This would be their legacy – and that made all the difference.  So much of what we have to do today is about getting through. Maybe it’s just me, but I think a lot of people would identify with the sense that everything feels so temporary these days.

It’s something I’ve been struggling with recently with the web development work that we do.  It will never be a lasting legacy because at it’s core it should constantly be evolving. Where does that fulfillment of leaving a legacy come from?

We all need to find a way to see our legacy. It’s not the same for any two people, so for now I’m putting it out there for you to find yours.

**Team effort on this post – Thanks for taking my thoughts and making them thoughtful Burton – you’re the best**

The Danger of Coming Soon!

There’s a webpage that I am forced to visit fairly regularly and when I click on the different links in their navigation to do my twice monthly state of the union I am always greeted by one page that has become the THORN IN MY SIDE.  It’s a coming soon page.

Do you know how long I’ve been looking at this Coming Soon!!! (yes, three exclamation points) page?  Three years.

We define soon quite differently. Because to me soon is like….tomorrow. Patience is not my strong suit.

Five Reasons it is BAD to say Coming Soon!!!

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  1. It might not happen. Ever.  There is a risk when you start talking about something TOO soon that it will never happen and then your credibility takes a hit. Better idea: When you have something in progress, with signed contracts and product in hand = then start talking about it.
  2. It’s a let down. For example: Last night we went out to dinner, it’s a new restaurant in town and on the menu was the House Made Pasta Special. Sign me up is my very first thought. When the waiter said “We actually don’t have that yet.” I was really let down.  I would have been happier just picking from what was available RIGHT NOW.  Don’t be such a tease.
  3. What’s worse than Coming Soon?  Coming Soon in June of 2011….um.  ooops. If you do have a firm date for your Coming Soon!  Think about an anticipation building campaign and make sure that you have an email notification opt-in and all of your social links handy on that page so people that truly are interested in your imminent launch can be reminded as the big day happens (not nears – no need to build more anticipation unless you’ve got a hit movie with A-list actors or you’ve written the next Harry Potter).
  4. You haven’t let people know that they should CARE that you’re something special is Coming Soon!!!! It’s not enough to put a link on your site with a Coming Soon.  It’s not.  If the thing you’re intending to launch really is ALL THAT then spend a bit of time and put together a few week plan of how you can promote your launch on your site, in your email marketing, through your social channels and in real life (yes, marketing still happens there too).  Be thoughtful – care about your Coming Soon enough to build the right kind of anticipation.  And have a fall-back plan.  If things go to pot you will need to save face and do so promptly.
  5. Your definition of Coming Soon and my definition of Coming Soon are not the same. Ever.


I’ve never felt ready.

It’s Thursday night as I write this and I think I speak for the collective internet when I say: It has been a week.  I always find in the looking back of a week that there is a trend – a message keeps coming up – sometimes it’s a word – sometimes it’s a feeling – but this week it was this thing I said to like EVERY SINGLE person I spoke to:

I’ve never felt ready.

The thing that I found shocking in sharing this news was that:  a. I was pretty damn sure I was the only person that felt that way.   b. People were stunned because they too have never felt ready and the REALLY thought that of all people surely I felt ready. Wrong.

Why are we not talking about this?!?!!

Here’s the truth of the situation: I’ve never felt ready. Not the 100% sure – I’ve got this ready feeling.  Not ever. Which has led me to believe this one thing: ready at the level I have chosen to define it at does not exist.  And your definition may be a lot like mine.  We’ve got some definition work to do.

Do you know how I know this?

Exhibit A: Because I had a child. (And Adam is cringing because I’m getting personal (I get personal – business is personal – my business is personal – your business is personal – one day way back when the big corporation that you’re working for was founded it was PERSONAL – so lets get personal (to a point) already.) Want to know why else he’s cringing because I have parenthesis in parenthesis in parenthesis. (You’re welcome.))  Yes, I had a child. Lexi was born at 5:59pm on July 29th. Want to know what I was saying at 5:50?  “I AM NOT READY!”  And you know what happened. I had a baby. And I wasn’t ready. And it happened. And she was perfect. You know what happened next: I got ready and in a hurry.

Exhibit B: Because I have a business with clients and stuff. I distinctly remember the mocha I was having at the Rye Starbucks when I was talking to my mom in 2004 and she said: “Are you sure you can do this?” and my reply was “I have no freaking clue. But its happening.” And it just kept on happening! And is every thing always peach roses and puppy dogs?  No.  No it isn’t.  But it’s freaking awesome anyway.  Because it is SOMETHING.  And that gets me to my next point….

There are two fears:

Fear One: I am not ready

Fear Two: I will never do anything.

Which one is bigger?  Screw Ready – Be prepared, be nimble, and know that whatever comes – you’ll be okay.  Because.  You will be. Trust in what you’re doing. Have what you’re doing be enough of YOU that you stand up next to it at the end of the day and say “Yes, that is my doing” and you’ll use your Loud & Proud voice as Lexi says.

Screw Ready

(and yes, it was the win of my night that I made that featured image up there)

Be more afraid of never doing anything than being unready.

You want to do something and you want an ear?  Next week I am blocking off 5 hours in my calendar.  1 hour for 5 people who want to share the idea they’ve never been ready for heard.  You want one?  Comment.  Want to know how valuable that is?  Ask the people over here.  It’s worth a little something.