Customers, Communicating and Cats
Communication is a key aspect in any relationship, whether that relationship is personal, professional, romantic or otherwise. When it comes to communicating with your customers (or anyone else, for that matter) the importance is just as great. You’ll only get your message across if you find the right way to communicate. Three things you need to know:
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- Who are they? We’ve covered this before. Differentiate between your customer and the consumer and figure out which one you need to be talking to. Read the linked post for more.
- Where are they? If you can answer this question, you’ll be able to find the right channels to use to communicate with your target. Do they spend most of their time on social networks? Are they reading their local paper? What radio stations do they listen to?
- What kind of messages do they prefer? Some people respond more positively to logical arguments, others prefer an amusing anecdote. Learning the type of communications your customers like best is the final step in making sure you reach them.
And if all else fails, just post a cat video. Works every time.