I want more website traffic? The answer inside!
Hi there. It’s Cass today. How are you? It’s the end of the week and I hope that our little pep talk on Sunday night really helped you start off on the right foot. But here we are at the close and I bet there are a couple of thorns from the week poking through – hey, we all have them.
A client asked me a few weeks ago how she could get more website traffic. A lot of people ask this question. And the answer is pretty easy. Be you. Be real. Be authentic. Just put it all out there and say “LOVE ME” because what you’ll find is that you just being you is VERY lovable.
Want some real metrics? A run of the mill blog post gets 100 views. A post that is truly authentic and showcases a real life opinion gets over 1,000. This being real stuff works.
And it doesn’t just work for metrics. It works for your life. The weekend is directly in front of you – DO something that you just love. Make it the priority – let something that is unnecessarily urgent GO and spend some time just being you.
Because I’m a curious girl I want to know…..how are you going to get closer to being YOU this weekend?
I’m going to read for pleasure, go for a run before everyone else wakes up, and swim in the ocean 🙂 I hope you have a great weekend!