The 3 Metrics that Say You’re Getting it Right Online
There are three metrics that you want to look at when you’re assessing if you’re getting it right with your online content….
One: Time On Page
For your top pages check out how long people are spending on those pages. Time yourself reading the page. Is it about the same? Is it more? Is it way less? If people aren’t taking the time to really process your content, or if it’s too confusing, you may need to do some re-working.
Two: Increase in Page Views
If your content (blog post, sales page, about page) is great and it’s driving people to share it and love it then the number of people viewing it will increase.
Three: Engagement
If your content is getting social media likes, shares, favorites and comments, it shows that your readers have really found value in what you’ve produced. Engagement starts a conversation that can take your content to the next level.