Are you in the business of selling something? Then you must be curating content.
A quick question do you read things online?
If the answer is YES, and because you’re reading this that MUST be, then you absolutely should be curating content.
Curating Content sounds really technical and time consuming. I think that’s a marketing trick.
Curating Content is reading things online and sharing things that you liked with the people in your network. Why would you share it because they just might find it as funny, useful, insightful or straight up awesome as you did.
Have you ever gone on Facebook and pressed share on the adorable animal video (we’re partial to this goat one – Capra means Goat in Italian)? That’s Content Curation, you’re already doing it.
Five tips for Content Curation for Business Owners, Team Leaders & Sales Professionals
- Think about your client (or team) and what they most want and need to learn about. Is your client constantly looking for ways to lose weight, get organized, look better in front of their boss, create opportunities to use their companies software? Share things that appeal to what your client is interested in.
- You don’t need a blog or Tumblr – curate with your network today by just sending a simple email, LinkedIn message, or Facebook status update. Going the email route? Send the same email to six people (do it separately and take the time for individual notes and not BCC). A simple: I saw this article and it seemed like something you’d really like. It’s an EXCELLENT way to start a conversation up that’s gone cold without being pushy.
- Share things that you genuinely like and tell us why. The tell us why part is important. Provide a little lead in, a favorite line, your big take-away from the article.
- So you’re sold and you want to share articles to start conversations up and be seen as a resource to your clients. Terrific. Now what? You find articles, blog posts, infographics, videos that you like. I recommend subscribing to news sources that you find credible in feedly. Block off 15 minutes to read your article stream after you finished off your most important task of the day.
- Think outside of blog posts and go to Pinterest or YouTube or iTunes Podcasts.
BONUS TIP: Keep a running list of things that you liked in a tool like Evernote or OneNote – glance over it on a weekly basis and see if it would be helpful to someone you know or to everyone you know.